Advent Hymn Reflection #2

*Originally used in a Men’s Advent Study Group, Dec., 2021



  • There are so many Scripture echoes in this hymn, I'm not quite sure where to start here. I recommend two things:

  • 1) Read the Bible verses in the article I posted.

  • 2) Take a look at the Bible verses listed below the lyrics. On the Lyrics page, scroll down to where it says "Text Information," and click "Scripture References." There are probably 100+ of them, so just hover over a handful of them and get a feel for the types of verses this hymn has in mind.

Hymn: O Come, O Come Emmanuel

Lyrics: Read Here

Listen: Instrumental Version (the best)

Learn: Sorrow & Joy in the Hymn

Reflection Guide

Hymns are a central source of Christian teaching. Good hymn writers weave together countless Scripture references and allusions, distilling the most complex, profound, mysterious truths into memorable poem. Thus, they serve not only as religious expression, but religious instruction as well. When we study their words as a spiritual discipline, our singing is edified by our understanding! Use this reflection guide to get started.

  1. One verse at a time, slowly reflect on the words of the hymn

  2. Paraphrase each verse in your own words -- jotting this down on paper will help!

  3. Write down any questions you have about the hymn, or confusing terms and phrases

  4. Write down any passages of Scripture that come to mind as you read the hymn

  5. Write down what the hymn says about us, i.e., what we do, say, think, receive (this will help you think about personal application)

  6. Lastly, try to summarize each verse in just 3 words or fewer.

Reflection Questions

  1. How does this hymn speak to the reality of both joy and sorrow in the Christian life?

  2. As the article says, this hymn reflects on what Christ already did (His first advent) and what He's still going to do (His second advent). How do these two realities instruct us in the present?

  3. The hymn addresses how Christ's advents affect our emotions ("mourn"), our minds ("knowledge"), our hearts ("awe")...our whole being. Are any of these particularly important to you right know?

  4. Of the seven names given to Jesus in the hymn, do any stand out to you or mean the most to you?


Advent Hymn Reflection #3


Advent Hymn Reflection #1